was a beautiful, smart, happy teen who had just entered high school. She had her life in front of her but the pressures of bullying and normal teen issues overwhelmed her. Rather than talk to someone Taylor took her own life. Oct. 16, 1995 – Sept. 26, 2010. Taylor was born into this world on Monday, October 16th, 1995 at 5:56 pm […] Read more »
: Our mission is to bring awareness to teen issues and guide teens to available resources. We do this by participating in every event where we can reach out to teens. We also take every opportunity to educate adults of the unique issues teens face today and how their needs are different from that of an adult. […] Read more »
: (310) 855-4673 TEEN LINE is a confidential telephone helpline for teenaged callers. The TEEN LINE volunteers who answer the calls, emails and chats are Southern California teenagers who have been specially trained. They won’t judge you or give advice – their job is to listen to your feelings and help you to clarify your concerns, […] Read more »
: Please consider contributing to the amazing work of Taylor-4-Teens! We are a 100% volunteer based organization with no paid employees. So 100% of your donation helps us bring awareness to teen issues and guide teens to available resources. We attend special events throughout the year which allows us to distribute resource cards to our teens […] Read more »
November 9, 2024By Jeff:
I recently have gotten sober (100 days) and in the last month or so, I had a mental breakdown due to all the emotions I subdued with alcohol. I attempted many times to take my life by suicide, and now am able tell my story. I was in a dark, dark place, so bad that one day, I passed out due to all the horrible things I did to my body. I woke up so pissed that I was still here. But, that day changed my life forever. I realized I had so much to live for, and some how, a power greater than me gave me another chance at it all. I know when you’re in that dark place, you don’t believe this, but it really can and does get better. I may have lost things in my life, but I am happier and can see the positives now, not just negatives. As you can see in the pic. I really am worth it. And so are you. […]Read more…